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Pendidikan tidakkah penting...?

Pendidikan (Education) Network is an attempt to bring together information related to current education developments and to serve as a general resource and communication link (forum) for school administrators, educators, and other interested parties. The primary objective of this network is to act as a interactive medium for collaboration between the main education sectors.

Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Pertama

In Indonesia Basic Education consists of nine years of compulsory education. However, in many provinces some students still do not attain an education beyond Primary School. While the number of students attending Primary Schools is high the standards of the schools themselves vary greatly. Building maintenance is a major issue. Communities generally don't appear to exhibit a "sense of ownership" and schools sometimes have gaping holes in walls and flooring. The two main determining factors that greatly affect a student's prospects for an education beyond Primary School are socio-economics and availability of places. After six years of Primary Education, at the age of about 12, students should enter Junior Secondary School (SLTP). Many Junior Secondary Schools are now developing very helpful intra and extra-curricular activities including some vocational training. You can visit the SD/SLTP homepage at http://SLTP.Net.

Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Atas

After three years at SLTP the Indonesian education system requires students to complete a further three years at a Senior Secondary School (SLTA) before they can participate in formal Tertiary Education at University level. There are many types of Senior Secondary Schools (SMA, SMUN, SMK, MAN, etc.) including; Public, Vocational, and Religious. It is probably important to note that in Indonesia the public school sector maintains dual vocational (SMK) and professional streaming (SMU). However, while the number of places in tertiary institutions remains inadequate and education is relatively expensive only a small proportion of SMU students actually participate. This poses some major questions as to the relevence of a purely academic SMU curriculum and the effeciency of a dual system. You can visit the the Senior Secondary Education Homepage at http://SLTA.Net.

Perguruan Tinggi HomePage

Higer Education (Perguruan Tinggi) includes all forms of education after students graduate from Senior Secondary School (private and public). Higher Education is responsible for guaranteeing that students will achieve success in their future vocational and social activities. Effective communication between all parties; Higher Education, Senior and Junior Secondary Education is currently more important than ever so as to ensure that teacher training needs (which are rapidly changing) are being addressed. You can visit the Higher Education Homepage at http://PTHP.Net.

IndoJobs - Employment

Generally it is accepted that there are two forms of education; Vocational Education and General or Professional Education. However, it is the opinion of the writer of this homepage that only one form exists because all education is geared towards employment (regardless of whether you graduate from technical school or medical school). IndoJobs Homepage was created in order to provide another link in the education chain and help achieve more Global Outcomes for our students and educators.
Visit http://Indo-Jobs.Com

Educational Technology

Because of the large distances between the provinces in Indonesia opening up communication between the various educational sectors will be difficult. The Internet offers an option for addressing this issue. What is the Internet? What do we need to connect to the Internet? How can our school finance connecting to the Internet? What about computer and Language Laboratories? How can we get Free E-Mail and Free Homepages? These and many other questions are answered at Language-Laboratory.Com..


During this Era of Educational Reform and Development how can Principals, Teachers, Students, and their Communities work together to assure the future development of "quality" education in schools (quality itself needs to be defined and may well bring about a new paradigm)? "The keys to this development are open communication and transparency." The objective of this homepage is to provide curent information and links to articles that will assist schools and communities achive quality and meaningful outcomes for their students

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